 Hidden Gems   

Episode 230: Hidden Gems of PAX South III

Episode 230: Hidden Gems of PAX South III

January 18th, 2020 | 2:00 pm ET

A crew of Hidden Gems veterans assembles at PAX South to showcase what the con has to offer!

For our third year at PAX South, we’ve brought together some Hidden Gems veterans to retake the stage at the Cactus Theatre. Joining Dylan Ilvento are compatriots Harris Foster, Rami Ismail, Anya Combs, and Victoria Caña. Follow along with the panel slides here.

From the panel description:

Welcome to PAX, a virtual cornucopia of games and wonderment! If you’re looking for secrets and surprises from the show floor, there’s no better place to hear about them than at Hidden Gems! Join us as we explore all PAX has to offer and select for you a handful of curated pieces that you’ll want to check out while you’re here.

Games include Garden Story, Bill Hates Video Games, Calico, The Artful Escape, Infernax, Speaking Simulator, All Hams on Deck, From Rust, Fire Tower, Foregone, Magequit, Boyfriend Dungeon, and Just Shapes and Beats.

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