

ard Games is a collaborative studio making games and podcasts, headquartered in Richmond, Virginia.


Studio Head | he/him

As co-founder of Ward Games, Dylan Ilvento not only makes games, but seeks to help demystify the game development process with podcasts, panels, and more. He's currently leading Ward Games' latest games project, Project Lexa.


Project Lexa Team

Art Director | he/him

With a combined fifteen years in tabletop games and animation, Nick Nazzaro's credits range from games like Dragoon and Life Siphon to shows such as Invincible and The Midnight Gospel. Here on Project Lexa, he's lending his talents as the team's art director, creating stunning art for our space-faring journey.

Narrative Designer | she/they

Having a background in both games writing and games media, Kate Gray knows how to put pen to paper and paint a picture with words. For Project Lexa, she's the architect for our amazing story that takes us across the stars!

Game Designer | they/she

Developer on such games as Extreme Meatpunks Forever, Genderwrecked, and Snake Farm, Heather Flowers is Project Lexa's lead game designer, building engaging puzzles and imaginative gameplay.

Animator | she/her

Maddison Manente is a developer and artist by trade — and Project Lexa's resident animator! Collaborating with Nick to make up our art team, she makes the game's characters and environments move and shake to bring them to life!

Composer | he/him

Chris Lucca is a composer and sound designer with seventeen years of music industry experience, working as a performer, session and touring artist, and producer. Taking on the role of Project Lexa’s composer, Chris will be crafting a sonic world for our stoic explorers to get lost, be found, and discover the unknown within!



Podcaster | he/they

Game designer, game developer, and all around good guy, Alex Damrath studied game design at the Savannah College of Art and Design and is a key member of the Wardcast, adding his knowledge of game development to the show.

Podcaster | he/him

One half of the indomitable duo of Instant Replay Live, Nick Nundahl hails from the wild world of YouTubing and Let's Plays. As an experienced content creator, he now lends his voice as one of the hosts of Attract Mode.


Past Podcasters