 Best Games Played   

Episode 224: Best Games Played 2019

Episode 224: Best Games Played 2019

December 22nd, 2019 | 12:00 pm ET

The time has come once again for the Best Games Played.

It all comes down to this: four people enter a room with gleams in their eyes and hopes in their heart, only for it to be stricken away — it’s time once again for the Best Games Played!

As in previous years, we ask all the hosts to bring up to ten games that meant the most to them. They don’t have to have been released in the past twelve months because, hey, sometimes you don’t have the chance to get to every new game release.

So listen in as we choose the best, the brightest, and the boldest games we played in 2019.

Awards include Most Reverent, Quickest Revolution, Most Uplifting, Sexiest Style & Substance, Richest Shared Experience, Dreamiest Past, Greatest Culmination, Loveliest Follow-up, Grandest Epic, and Beefiest Invitation.

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