
Episode 73: Tales from the Indie Crypt

Episode 73: Tales from the Indie Crypt

February 25th, 2017 | 6:00 pm ET

Playthrough 2017 keeps on rolling with a panel chock full of indie developers!

In our second panel from the Playthrough Game Convention, Dylan is joined on the stage by a multitude of indie devs to talk about their projects and the process of development.

This panel’s guests include Nathan Shumaker from Analog Data, Adam Agro from Solanimus, Sam Kushner from Perfect Square Studios, Dorothy Phoenix from Cloudy Heaven Games, Victor Slaughter from Vandal Entertainment Studios, and Matt Key and Chris Barone from Defcon Games.

From the panel description:

Multiple indie devs come together to tell you the good, the bad, and the buggy. Laugh with us as we listen to them talk about ancient game development secrets and tell dev tales that have scarred them for life.

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