
Episode 89: Bannerlord Smorgasbord

Episode 89: Bannerlord Smorgasbord

June 24th, 2017 | 12:00 pm ET

Ve-a telk ill ibuout geme-a deels oun zees ipisude-a!

This week, Dylan is rejoined by Will Blanton, Wendy Rivera, and our fourth member: the 19th century nautical map that adorns our apartment wall. From Fez to Sunken Rock, we talk about all the summer game sales going on — including 90% off Will’s game Redshift Blueshift.

RVA Game Jams has a new website and a Patreon up, we give our protips on bathroom etiquette, share pinball opinions, discuss illicit music downloading, and critique GameMaker Studio 2’s ridiculous pricing structure.

Games include Stardew Valley and Disney Crossy Road.

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