 Hidden Gems   

Episode 75: Hidden Gems of PAX East

Episode 75: Hidden Gems of PAX East

March 10th, 2017 | 3:00 pm ET

Dylan, Dan, Mason, and Alex take over the Cuttlefish Theatre at PAX East to showcase a suite of hidden gems!

From their panel at PAX East, Dan, Alex, Mason, and Dylan return to talk about all of the latest, greatest undiscovered games and experiences they found on the show floor.

From the panel description:

PAX East is filled with games from wall to wall, and it’s nigh impossible to see everything. We’ve taken it upon ourselves to find the unique, the eclectic, and the unknown. Each of our panelists will choose a single game from off the beaten path and use their collective knowledge of game development, user experience design, and virtual reality development to highlight, analyze, and discuss surprises on the show floor you may have otherwise missed.

Games include Obduction, The American Dream, I Expect You to Die, Think of the Children, Russian Subway Dogs, The Gardens Between, The Italianeer, Bobby Throne Saves The World, Dunk Lords, and Semblance.

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